氣候對地球上的生物活動扮演很關鍵的角色,在全球暖化的趨勢下,我們對氣候系統運作的機制應有充分的瞭解。本課程將介紹及討論地球氣候系統的基本特徵及系統在氣候變遷下可能會產生的反應。內容除涵蓋快速氣候變遷對生態系統及人類社會帶來的衝擊與IPCC 氣候變遷報告的導讀等,對氣候劇變的世界,永續環境的經營等,亦會在課程中一併介紹。
This course is designed for the 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students. The climate plays an important role in Earth’s life and human activities. Our understanding of the mechanisms of climate systems has become crucial when global warming is getting worse. We will discuss the characteristics and possible mechanisms for Earth climate change, briefly explain how the Earth system may response to a perturbation and talk about what impacts may be brought to the ecosystem and human society when the Earth climate undergoes abrupt changes. Course contents include the introduction to climate system, energy balance, hydrological, carbon cycles, the simulation of Earth system, and the reading of IPCC climate assessment reports. Moreover, a brief of environment social, and governance (ESG) will be also discussed in the class as well.