針對大學部中、高年級與研究所學生設計之基礎數值實驗課程。通過數值實驗之設計、程式撰做與資料結果分析,建立對於各種大氣物理現象之基本知識與瞭解,同時增進學生對於基礎程式語言編譯與數值繪圖分析工具使用之能力。課程內容將分成四個主要之實驗階段,分別涵蓋熱力、輻射、雲物理與流體力學等大氣物理之基礎概念,讓學生可以更深入瞭解其機制與原理。 The Numerical Experiments of Atmospheric Sciences is a special course for senior level undergraduate students or graduate students. In this course, we will discuss the mechanisms of atmospheric phenomena and basic physical concepts via doing numerical experiments. The purpose of this course is to improve students' understanding of the basic skills of FORTRAN programing, numeric data analyzing and scientific presentation. The course material can increase students’ thinking about the atmospheric process, which also can apply to other advanced courses. The course will have four different term projects which related to the atmospheric thermodynamic, radiation, cloud microphysics and fluid dynamics. Students will not only learn how to write the numerical codes, but also how to design an experiment in this course.