本課程為大學部三年級之課程,主要介紹大氣科學的研究內容、方法、成果及展望。課程安排將依照本系老師之主要專長,包含劇烈天氣、氣候變遷、大氣觀測、大氣資訊等領域相關研究進行介紹。希望使學生對於大氣科學整體研究之現況及未來發展,有宏觀且深入之認識。能夠作為學生未來繼續從事相關大氣科學研究深造之參考。本課程定位為”畢業專題研究”之先修課程,將由不同專長之專家學者輪流講授相關內容。並將透過學生與相關講者之互動,提昇學生對於大氣科學各面相主流研究與應用之認知與興趣。 This course is a senior undergraduate student level class. Course will focus on introduce atmospheric science related researches, methodology, results, and future direction. Course include both lectures and seminar styles. Different experts will be invited to discuss important topic related to atmospheric sciences, including severe weather, climate changes, atmospheric observation technology and atmospheric data sciences. The purpose of this course is providing an overview of atmospheric sciences and future direction and information as a career direction for students. Students’ participation is required in this course.