由於資訊科技(information technology, IT)近年來的快速發展,大部分組織的生存與發展,都與資訊系統(information system, IS)習習相關,資訊系統已經完全的改變了組織與產業的經營模式(business model)。本課程以資訊觀點切入,將資訊系統概念導入大氣科學領域,透過認識資料庫MySQL、PHP語言、JavaScript,以WordPress為系統核心架構,開發大氣科學資訊系統。
We will build a website for an Atmospheric Science Data Bank System and along the way we will:
1.Understand how to design and structure a database for your project's needs
2.Install WordPress on your personal computer so you have a private playground copy of WordPress to practice and experiment with
3.Get introduced to the PHP language (this is what powers WordPress)
4.Set Up a New Theme (You'll learn how to convert any HTML template into a living breathing WordPress theme)
5.Create Custom Post Types and Custom Fields
6.Relate pieces of content with each other (e.g. a professor and a program)
7.Learn the basics of (object-oriented) JavaScript
8.Leverage the WP REST API
9.Learn to use JavaScript to communicate with the WordPress back-end on-the-fly
10.Let visitors sign up for a basic account on our site
11.Build a "My Notes" feature (user specific single page application with real-time CRUD actions)
12.Deploy our website live up onto the web for the entire world to view
What you’ll learn
1.Why code is the key to building whatever you can imagine with WordPress
2.The ability to write PHP to manipulate the data of a WordPress site
3.The ability to write JavaScript to add on-the-fly interactivity to a WordPress site
4.How to code your own new custom block types for the "Gutenberg" Block Editor
5.The skills, knowledge and vocabulary to work professionally as a WordPress developer