本課程藉由介紹基礎之開放資料概況讓學生瞭解氣象開放資料對科學、生活及產業的助益。並透過電腦實作課程,訓練學生使用 python程式語言擷取氣象局開放資料(觀測及模式資料),產出需要的氣象相關資料並繪圖,以培養專業氣象診斷分析能力。另外,亦透過推廣氣象開放資料於下游產業的應用(如氣象局與衛福部之開放資料結合—熱指數指標),希望學生能對‘生活有氣象’這句標語更有感覺。
This course introduces the basic open data overview to let students understand the benefits of open meteorological data to science, life and industry. The main motivation is aimed to train students for using the CWB’s meteorological open data by python programming language, then to develop professional ability to produce and draw meteorological related data. In addition, this course also introduces the application of meteorological open data between CWB and downstream users (such as the Heat Index, from the CWB and the Ministry of Health and Welfare), hope to help students have more conception with the importance of meteorological open data for life.