


電話:.2861-0511 分機 25831


研究室:大義館 620-4


  • 期刊論文
  • 研討會論文
  • 研究計畫
  • 其他研究相關成果


Titie Year Sponsor Note
Chih, C.-H., Chou, K.-H., and C.-C. Wu, 2022: T Idealized simulations of tropical cyclones with thermodynamic conditions under reanalysis and CMIP5 scenarios. Geoscience Letters, (in press). 2022
Lin, S.-J., and K.-H. Chou, 2020: The Lightning Distribution of Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 4415-4434. 2020
Chou, K.-H.,C.-M. Yeh, and S.-J. Lin, 2019: The Roles of Vertical Wind Shear and Topography in Formation of Convective Asymmetries in Typhoon Nanmadol (2011). Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 30, 185-214, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2018.12.16.01. 2019
Chou, K.-H.,S.-Y. Wu, and S.-J. Lin, 2018:The influence of typhoon strength and size on Taiwan's wind and rainfall. Atmos. Sci. (in Chinese with an English abstract), 46, 222-246. 2018
Lin, S.-J., and K.-H. Chou, 2018: Characteristics of size change of tropical cyclones traversing the Philippines. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 2891-2911. (第一作者林書正博士獲選科技部107年度博士後研究人員學術著作獎) 2018
Chou, K.-H.,S.-J. Lin, and M.-H. Ciang, 2016: The study of vertical wind shear induced convection asymmetry of tropical cyclone by CMORPH satellite data. Atmos. Sci. (in Chinese with an English abstract), 44, 353-376.(2018年中華民國大氣科學期刊優良論文獎) 2016
Chih, C.-H.,K.-H. Chou and S. Chiao, 2015: Topography and Tropical cyclone structure influence on eyewall evolution in Typhoon Sinlaku (2008). Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 26, 571-586, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2015.05.08.01(A). (2016年黃廈千博士學術論文獎) 2015
Chih, C.-H., and K.-H. Chou, 2015: Three-dimensional trajectory analyses of tropical cyclone. Atmos. Sci. (in Chinese with an English abstract), 43, 1-26. (2016年中華民國大氣科學期刊優良論文獎) 2015
Chou, K.-H., C.-H. Chih, C.-M. Yeh, and Y.-L. Shen, 2014: The precipitation and structure evolution of Typhoon Fanapi (2010) in a non-hydrostatic mesoscale model. Atmos. Sci. (in Chinese with an English abstract), 42, 181-206. 2014
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, and S.-Z. Lin, 2013: Assessment of the ASCAT wind error characteristics by global dropwindsonde observations. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 9011–9021, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50724. 2013
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, and Y. Wang, 2011b: Eyewall evolution of typhoons crossing the Philippines and Taiwan. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 22, 535-548,doi: 10.3319/TAO.2011.05.10.01(TM) 2011
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, P.-H. Lin, S. D. Aberson, M. Weissmann, F. Harnisch, and T. Nakazawa, 2011a: The impact of dropwindsonde observations on typhoon track forecasts in DOTSTAR and T-PARC. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 1728-1743. 2011
Chen, S.-G., C.-C. Wu, J.-H. Chen, and K.-H. Chou, 2011: Validation and interpretation of Adjoint - Derived Sensitivity Steering Vector as targeted observation guidance. Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 1608-1625. 2011
Chou, K.-H., and B.-C. Huang, 2011: The influence of the bogused vortex on the typhoon track ensemble forecasts. Atmos. Sci. (in Chinese with an English abstract), 38, 301-330. 2011
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, P.-H. Lin, and S. Majumdar, 2010: Validation of QuikSCAT wind vectors by dropwindsonde data from DOTSTAR. J. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2009JD012131. 2010
Wu C.-C., S.-G. Chen, J.-H. Chen, and K.-H. Chou, 2009: Reply to comments on “Interaction of Typhoon Shanshan (2006) with the Midlatitude Trough from both Adjoint-Derived Sensitivity Steering Vector and Potential Vorticity Perspectives”. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 4425–4432. 2009
Wu, C.-C., J.-H. Chen, S. J. Majumdar, M. S. Peng, C. A. Reynolds, S. D. Aberson, R. Buizza, M. Yamaguchi, S.-G. Chen, T. Nakazawa, and K.-H. Chou, 2009: Inter-comparison of Targeted Observation Guidance for Tropical Cyclones in the North western Pacific. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 2471-2492. 2009
Wu, C.-C., S.-G. Chen, J.-H. Chen,K.-H. Chou, and P.-H. Lin, 2009: Interaction of Typhoon Shanshan (2006) with the Midlatitude Trough from both Adjoint-Derived Sensitivity Steering Vector and Potential Vorticity Perspectives. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 852-862. 2009
Wu, C.-C., H.-J. Cheng, Y. Wang, and K.-H. Chou, 2009: A numerical investigation of the eyewall evolution in a landfalling typhoon. Mon. Wea. Rev., 137, 21-40. 2009
Chou, K.-H., and C.-C. Wu, 2008: Typhoon initialization in a mesoscale model-Combination of the bogused vortex and the dropwindsonde data in DOTSTAR. Mon. Wea. Rev. 136, 865-879. 2008
Yang, C.-C., C.-C. Wu,K.-H. Chou, and C.-Y. Lee, 2008: Binary interaction between Typhoons Fengshen (2002) and Fungwong (2002) based on the potential vorticity diagnosis. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 4593-4611. 2007
Wu, C.-C.,K.-H. Chou, P.-H. Lin, S. Aberson, M. S. Peng, and T. Nakazawa, 2007: The impact of dropwindsonde data on typhoon track forecasting in DOTSTAR. Weather and Forecasting, 22, 1157-1176. 2007
Wu, C.-C., J.-H. Chen, P.-H. Lin, and K.-H. Chou, 2007: Targeted observations of tropical cyclones based on the adjoint-derived sensitivity steering vector. J. Atmos. Sci., 64, 2611-2626. 2007
Wu, C.-C.,K.-H. Chou, Y. Wang and Y.-H. Kuo, 2006: Tropical Cyclone Initialization and Prediction Based on Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation. J. Atmos. Sci., 63, 2383–2395. 2006
Wu, C.-C., P.-H. Lin, S. Aberson, T.-C. Yeh, W.-P. Huang,K.-H. Chou, J.-S. Hong, G.-C. Lu, C.-T. Fong, K.-C. Hsu, I-I Lin, P.-L. Lin, and C.-H. Liu, 2005: Dropwindsonde Observations for Typhoon Surveillance near the Taiwan Region (DOTSTAR): An Overview. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86, 787-790. 2005
Wu, C.-C., T.-S. Huang, and K.-H. Chou, 2004: Potential vorticity diagnosis of the key factors affecting the motion of Typhoon Sinlaku (2002). Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 2084-2093. 2004
Wu, C.-C.,K.-H. Chou, H.-J. Cheng, and Y. Wang, 2003: Eyewall Contraction, Breakdown and Reformation in a Landfalling Typhoon. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30 (17), 1887, doi:10.1029/2003GL017653. 2003
Wu, C.-C., T.-S. Huang, W.-P. Huang, and K.-H. Chou, 2003: A new look at the binary interaction: Potential vorticity diagnosis of the unusual southward movement of Typhoon Bopha (2000) and its interaction with Typhoon Saomai (2000). Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 1289-1300. 2003
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, and T.-H. Yen, 2001: The evolution of Typhoon Zeb (1998) in a non-hydrostatic mesoscale model. Atmos. Sci. (in Chinese with an English abstract), 29, 291-314. 2001


Titie Year Sponsor Note
Chou, K.-H., Chun-Ming Yeh, and Cheng-Hsiang Chih, 2014: The Relative Role of Environmental Vertical Wind Shear and Topography in Affecting the Asymmetric Convection of Typhoon Nanmadol (2011). 31st Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, San Diego, CA, USA. 2014
Chou, K.-H., and S.-Z. Lin, 2013: Assessment of the ASCAT wind error characteristics by global dropwindsonde observations. AOGS 10th Annual General Meeting, Brisbane, Australia. 2013
Chou, K.-H., and C.-H. Chih, 2012: The influence of Tropical cyclone structure on eyewall evolution simulation of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) crossing Taiwan. AOGS 9th Annual General Meeting, Singapore. 2012
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, and S.-Z. Lin, 2012: Assessment of the ASCAT wind error characteristics by global dropwindsonde observations and examination its impact on tropical cyclone simulation. 30th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, USA. 2012
Chih, C.-H., and K.-H. Chou, 2012: The influence of Tropical cyclone structure on eyewall evolution simulation of Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) crossing Taiwan. 30th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, USA. 2012
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, Yuqing Wang, and Cheng-Hsiang Chih, 2011: Eyewall Evolution of Typhoons Crossing the Philippines and Taiwan: An Observational Study. AOGS 9th Annual General Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. 2011
Chou, K.-H., and C.-C. Wu, 2011: Validation of QuikSCAT and ASCAT wind vectors by dropwindsonde data from DOTSTAR and T-PARC field experiments. 91th AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA. 2011
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, P.-H. Lin, and S. Majumdar, 2010: Validation of QuikSCAT wind vectors by dropwindsonde data from DOTSTAR. 29th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Tucson, AZ, USA. 2010
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, P.-H. Lin, and S. Majumdar, 2008: Validation of QuikSCAT wind vectors by dropwindsonde data from DOTSTAR. International Workshop on Advanced Typhoon and Flood Research, Taipei, Taiwan. 2008
Chou, K.-H., and C.-C. Wu, 2008: Eyewall evolution for typhoons crossed the terrains. 28th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Orlando, FL, USA. 2008
Chou, K.-H., and C.-C. Wu, 2008: Development of the typhoon initialization - combination of the bogused vortex and the dropwindsonde data in DOTSTAR. 28th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Orlando, FL, USA. 2008
Chen, S.-G., C.-.C. Wu, J.-H. Chen, K.-H. Chou, and P.-H. Lin, 2008: Typhoon-trough interaction from the perspective of the adjoint-derived sensitivity steering vector (ADSSV). 28th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Orlando, FL, USA. 2008
Wu, C.-C., and coauthors, 2008: Inter-comparison of targeted observation guidances for tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific. 28th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Orlando, FL, USA. 2008
Chou, K.-H., and C.-C. Wu, 2007: Oscillating eyewall induced for typhoons crossed the terrains in Philippines. Joint 6th International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon, Taipei, Taiwan. 2007
Wu, C.-C., and coauthors, 2007: Targeted observations for Improving Tropical Cyclone Predictability. Joint 6th International Conference on Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon, Taipei, Taiwan. 2007
Wu, C.-C., J.-H. Chen, K.-H. Chou, and P.-H. Lin, 2007: Targeted observations for typhoons in the North western Pacific - DOTSTAR. East Asian Field Observation Workshop, Seoul, Korea. 2007
Wu, C.-C., J.-H. Chen, K.-H. Chou, and P.-H. Lin, 2007: Targeted observations for typhoons in DOTSTAR - ADSSV. International Symposium on Global Change, Asian Monsoon and Extreme Weather and Climate, Pre-conference of the PSA Congress, Taipei, Taiwan. 2007
Wu, C.-C., J.-H. Chen, K.-H. Chou, and P.-H. Lin, 2007: Targeted observations for Typhoons in DOTSTAR - ADSSV. Proc., International Symposium on Global Change, Asian Monsoon and Extreme Weather and Climate, PSA Congress, Okinawa, Japan. 2007
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, P.-H. Lin, S. D. Aberson, M. F. Peng, and T. Nakazawa, 2006: The Impact of Dropsonde Data from DOTSTAR on Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasting. 27th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Monterey, CA, USA. 2006
Huang, W.-P., C.-C. Wu, P.-H. Lin, and K.-H. Chou, 2006: The impact of the dropwindsounde data from DOTSTAR on the track prediction of Typhoon Conson (2004). 27th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Monterey, CA, USA. 2006
Wu, C.-C., J.-H. Chen, P.-H. Lin, and K.-H. Chou, 2006: Targeted observations of tropical cyclone movement based on the adjoint-derived sensitivity steering vector (ADSSV). 27th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Monterey, CA, USA. 2006
Wu, C.-C., J.-H. Chen, P.-H. Lin, and K.-H. Chou, 2006: Targeted observations of tropical cyclone movement based on the adjoint-derived sensitivity steering vector (ADSSV). Special session on Severe Weather Systems, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, AGU, Beijing, China. 2006
Chou, K.-H., C.-C. Wu, and Y. Wang, 2004: The Relative Role of Wind vs. Pressure in the Initialization of Tropical Cyclones – Observing-Systems Simulation Experiments. 26th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Miami, FL, USA. 2004
Wu, C.-C., P. H. Lin, K.-H. Chou, T. C. Yeh, M. D. Cheng, S. D. Aberson, S. Majumdar, M. Peng, and C. Reynolds, 2004: Targeted observation strategies in DOTSTAR. First THORPEX International Science Symposium, World Meteorological Organization, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2004
Wu, C.-C., P.-H. Lin, S. Aberson, T.-C. Yeh, W.-P. Huang, K.-H. Chou, J.-S. Hong, G.-C. Lu, C.-T. Fong, K.-C. Hsu, I-I Lin, P.-L. Lin, C.-H. Liu, 2004: Dropwindsonde Observations for Typhoon Surveillance near the TAiwan Region (DOTSTAR). Challenging issues in tropical cyclone research and forecasts in the Western Pacific, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Honolulu, HI, USA. 2004
Chou, K.-H., and S.-J. Lin, 2019: Tropical cyclone structures as depicted by WWLLN data – Terrain-induced eyewall evolution. ICMCS-XIII, Okinawa, Japan. 2019
Lin, S.-J., and K.-H. Chou, 2019: The lightning distribution of tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific. ICMCS-XIII, Okinawa, Japan. 2019
Wu, S.-Y., and K.-H. Chou, 2019: The influence of typhoon strength and size on Taiwan's wind and rainfall. ICMCS-XIII, Okinawa, Japan. 2019
Chou, K.-H., S.-J. Lin, and S.-Y. Wu, 2018: The influence of the tropical cyclone outer-core wind strength for landfalling storm in Taiwan. 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, FL, USA. 2018
Lin, S.-J., and K.-H. Chou, 2018: Changes in the characteristics of tropical cyclone size traversing the Philippines. 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ponte Vedra, FL, USA. 2018
Chou, K.-H., and S.-Y. Wu, 2017: The influence of the tropical cyclone size on the wind and rainfall during landfall. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, Singapore. 2017
Lin, S.-J., and K.-H. Chou, 2017: The Size Change of Tropical Cyclones Traversing the Philippines. AOGS 14th Annual Meeting, Singapore. 2017
Chou, K.-H., and C.-M. Yeh, 2016: The Environmental Wind Shear Induced Secondary Circulation Asymmetry of the Tropical Cyclone. AOGS 13th Annual General Meeting, Beijing, China. 2016
Chih, C.-H., K.-H. Chou, and C.-C. Wu, 2016: The Tropical Cyclone Size and Intensity Characteristic under Global Warming Thermodynamic Conditions. AOGS 13th Annual General Meeting, Beijing, China. 2016
Lin, S.-Z., and K.-H. Chou, 2016: The Size Evolution of Tropical Cyclone before and After Crossing the Philippines. AOGS 13th Annual General Meeting, Beijing, China. 2015
Chou, K.-H., 2015: The Vertical Wind Shear Induced Secondary Circulation Asymmetry of the Tropical Cyclone. AOGS 12th Annual General Meeting, Singapore. 2015
Chih, C.-H., and K.-H. Chou, 2015: The Relations between Size, Intensity and Flux of Tropical Cyclones and Their Possible Changes under Global Warming Conditions. AOGS 12th Annual General Meeting, Singapore. 2015
Lin, S.-Z., and K.-H. Chou, and S.-C. Yang, 2015: The Role of Size Increasing of Typhoon Haiyan (2013) after Crossing the Philippines. AOGS 12th Annual General Meeting, Singapore. 2014
Chou, K.-H., and C.-M. Yeh, 2014: The Role of Topography and Environmental Vertical Wind Shear in Forming the Convective Asymmetric in Typhoon Nanmadol (2011). AOGS 11th Annual General Meeting, Sapporo, Japan. 2014
Lin, S.-Z., and K.-H. Chou, 2014: Integration of ASCAT and OSCAT Surface Wind Retrievals and Its Application to the Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Size. AOGS 11th Annual General Meeting, Sapporo, Japan. 2014


Titie Year Sponsor Note
高衝擊天氣之氣象防災資料校驗應用及評估計畫--整合系集模式預報與衛星反演風場之颱風大小分析平台(總計畫及子計畫一)(I) 2022 科技部
台灣地區閃電特徵及其應用研究(III) 2022 科技部
台灣地區閃電特徵及其應用研究(II) 2021 科技部
台灣地區閃電特徵及其應用研究(I) 2020 科技部
使用全球閃電資料探討颱風強度變化及結構特徵研究(III) 2019 科技部
使用全球閃電資料探討颱風強度變化及結構特徵研究(II) 2018 科技部
使用全球閃電資料探討颱風強度變化及結構特徵研究 2017 科技部
地形與環境垂直風切對颱風對流不對稱性之動力機制探討(III) 2016 科技部
地形與環境垂直風切對颱風對流不對稱性之動力機制探討(II) 2015 科技部
地形與環境垂直風切對颱風對流不對稱性之動力機制探討 2014 科技部
颱風飛機及衛星觀測資料之分析、驗證、模擬與動力研究 2013 國科會
颱風飛機及衛星觀測資料之分析、驗證、模擬與動力研究 2012 國科會
颱風飛機及衛星觀測資料之分析、驗證、模擬與動力研究 2011 國科會
颱風飛機及衛星觀測資料之分析、驗證與動力研究 2010 國科會
颱風飛機及衛星觀測資料之分析、驗證與動力研究 2009 國科會
颱風飛機及衛星觀測資料之分析、驗證與動力研究 2008 國科會


Titie Year Sponsor Note
遲正祥/全球暖化對熱帶氣旋強度與大小之影響研究 (2014) 2014 博士班學生論文
林書正/颱風通過菲律賓群島前後大小演變過程之機制探討 (2016) 2016 博士班學生論文
黃柏智/不同降水物理參數法之颱風路徑系集預報 (2010) 2010 碩士班學生論文
林書正/ASCAT衛星散射儀反演風場於熱帶氣旋環境下之誤差特徵 (2011) 2011 碩士班學生論文
沈逸翎/凡那比颱風(2010)侵台期間之數值模擬探討 (2012) 2012 碩士班學生論文
葉峻銘/南瑪都颱風(2011)對流不對稱性-地形與環境垂直風切作用 (2014) 2014 碩士班學生論文
陳美伶/敏督利颱風(2004)之數值模擬探討 (2014) 2014 碩士班學生論文
江孟恆/環境風切引發之颱風對流不對稱研究-衛星資料分析及數值模式模擬 (2015) 2015 碩士班學生論文
吳聖宇/颱風壯度與大小對台灣風雨之影響 (2017) 2017 碩士班學生論文
林振維/颱風環流大小對於台灣產生之遠距降水強度影響(2017) 2017 碩士班學生論文
邱昕弘/弱環境風切下快速移動颱風之對流不對稱研究-寶發颱風(2012) (2017) 2017 碩士班學生論文
林學勤/海洋條件對天鵝颱風(2015)快速增強之影響 (2017) 2017 碩士班學生論文