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  • 研討會論文
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Titie Year Sponsor Note
Shih-Hao Su, Chiao-Wei Chang, Ting-Shuo Yo, Min-Lun Wu, Chien-Ming Wu, Hung-Jui Yu, Po-Hsiung Lin, Hung-Chi Kuo*, 2022, An artificial-intelligence-based approach of the mini-radiosonde- "Storm Tracker" data calibration, (preparation) 2022
S.-H. Su, Y.-H. Chang, C.-H. Liu, W.-T. Chen*, W.-Y. Chang, J.-P. Chen, W.-N. Chen, K.-S. Chung, J.-P. Hou, M.-K. Hsieh, H.-C. Kuo, Y.-C. Lee, P.-L. Lin, P.-Y. Lin, P.-H. Lin, Y.-C. Liou, M.-H. Lo, S.-H. Wang, C.-M. Wu, J.-H. Yang, M.-J. Yang (2022), Observing severe precipitation near complex topography during the Yilan Experiment of Severe Rainfall in 2020 (YESR2020), Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 1–20., (SCI) 2022
H.-C.Kuo, S. Tsujino, T.-Y. Hsu, M. S, Peng and S.-H. Su, 2022, Scaling law for boundary layer inner eyewall pumping in concentric eyewalls. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD035518., (SCI) 2022
J.-L.Chu, C.-C. Chiang, L.-H. Hsu, L.-R. Hwang, Y.-C. Yu, K.-L. Lin, C.-J. ; Wang, S.-H. Su, T.-S. Yo, 2021, A Strategyto Optimize the Implementation of a Machine-Learning Scheme for Extreme MeiyuRainfall Prediction over Southern Taiwan. Water, 13, 2884. (SCI) 2021
L.-H. Hsu, S.-H. Su and H.-C. Kuo, 2021: A numerical study of the sensitivity of typhoon track and convection structure to cloud microphysics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD034390. (SCI). 2021
Ting-Shuo Yo, Shih-Hao Su, Jung-Lien Chu, Chiao-Wei Chang, Hung-Chi Kuo, 2021: A Deep Learning Approach to Radar-Based QPE A Deep Learning Approach to Radar-Based QPE. Earth and Space Science (ESS). 8(3), e2020EA001340(SCI). 2021
Su, Sshih-Hao, Chiao-Wei Chang and Wei-Ting Chen (2020, Nov). The Temporal Evolution of PM2.5 Pollution Events in Taiwan: Clustering and the Association with Synoptic Weather. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 1265; doi:10.3390/atmos11111265. (SCI). 2020
張巧薇、江建霆、劉高源、蘇世顥. (2019):臺灣地區鋒面系統客觀辨識方法之比較。大氣科學,第47期第1號。 2019
Shih-Hao Su, Jung‐Lien Chu, Ting‐Shuo Yo and Lee‐Yaw Lin (2018, Dec). Identification of synoptic weather types over Taiwan area with multiple classifiers. Atmospheric Science Letters, Vol. 19, Issue 12, e861. (SCI). 2018
Li-Huan Hsu, Shih-Hao Su, Robert G. Fovell and Hung-Chi Kuo (2018, May). On Typhoon Track Deflections near the East Coast of Taiwan. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 146, 1495-1510. (SCI). 2018
蘇世顥, 陳郁涵, 楊憶婷, 徐理寰, 郭鴻基. (2017, Dec). 氣候變遷下台灣颱風豪雨之變化與機制探討. 大氣科學, 45期, 305-331. 2017
Shih-Hao Su, Hung-Chi Kuo, Li-Huan Hsu and Yi-Ting YANG (2012, Oct). Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Typhoon Extreme Rainfall in Taiwan. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Vol. 90, No. 5, pp. 721-736. (SCI). 2012
Pao K. Wang, Shih-Hao Su, Zdeněk Charvát, Jindřich Šťástka, and Hsin-Mu Lin (2011, Oct). Cross Tropopause Transport of Water by Mid-Latitude Deep Convective Storms: A Review. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol. 22, No. 5,P 447-462. (SCI). 2011
Pao K. Wang, Hsin-Mu Lin, Shih-Hao Su (2010, Sep). The impact of ice microphysical processes on the life span of a midlatitude supercell storm. Atmospheric Research, 97, 450–461. 2010
Pao K. Wang, Shih-Hao Su, Martin Setvak, Hsinmu Lin, Robert M. Rabin (2010, Aug). Ship wave signature at the cloud top of deep convective storms. Atmospheric Research, Vol. 97, P.294–P.302. (SCI). 2010
Martin Setvák, Daniel T. Lindsey, Petr Novák, Pao K. Wang, Michaela Radová, Jochen Kerkmann, Louie Grasso, Shih-Hao Su, Robert M. Rabin, Jindřich Šťástka, Zdeněk Charvát (2010, Jul). Satelliteobserved cold-ring-shaped features atop deep convective clouds. AtmosphericResearch, Vol. 97, P. 80–P.96. (SCI). 2010


Titie Year Sponsor Note
Chiao-Wei Chang, Shih-Hao Su*, Ting-Shuo Yo, Hung-Chi Kuo, Chien-Ming Wu, Po-Hsiung Lin, Min-Lun Wu, Wen-Wei Tzeng, 2022, The developing and evaluation on the machine learning-based approach of the mini-radiosonde- “Storm Tracker” data calibration, 天氣分析與預報研討會 2022
林振維、蔡宜君*、蘇志文、蘇世顥、林泰弘、張巧薇、龍世俊, 2022, 視覺式交通分析系統討論台北都會區交通源時空特徵及與氣象因子關聯性, 天氣分析與預報研討會 2022
吳閩倫、張巧薇、蘇世顥、劉清煌、楊菁華、陳冠儒, 2021, 模組化之Storm Tracker資料校正流程建置, 天氣分析與預報研討會 2021
張巧薇、蘇世顥、游廷碩、郭鴻基、吳健銘、林博雄, 2021, An artificial-intelligence-based approach of the mini-radiosonde- “Storm Tracker” data calibration, 天氣分析與預報研討會 2021
Chi-Huan HSU, Wei-Ting CHEN, Chien-Ming WU, Meng-Pai HUNG, Shih-Hao Su, Yi-Chi WANG3 Li-Huan HSU, Chun-Yian SU, Kuan-Ting KUO, 2021: Short-term Bias in 2017/18 MJO: Model Inter-comparison.AOGS 2021, ONLINE 2021
Chen, Wei-Ting, Chiao-Wei Chang, Peng-Jen Chen, Ting-Shuo Yo, Shih-Hao Su, Chun-Yian Su and Chian-Ming Wu, 2020: Application of Machine Learning to Classify and Predict Events of Severe PM5 Pollution in Taiwan. 100th AMS Annual meeting, Boston, US. 2020
Yo, Ting-Shuo, Shih-Hao Su, Chiao-Wei Chang and Hing-Chi Kuo, 2020: A Volume-to-Point Approach of Radar-Based QPE. 100th AMS Annual meeting, Boston, US. 2020
Su, Shih-Hao, Ting-Shuo Yo, Chiao-Wei Chang, Yi-Chiang Yu and Jung-Lien Chu, 2020: The long-term frontal system variation for future climate projections with machine learning weather classifier. 100th AMS Annual meeting, Boston, US. 2020
Su, Shih-Hao, 2020: The variation of Taiwan front system in the historical and future climate with machine-learning classification method. 3rd Climate Hotpot In Action (CHIA) Forum. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 2020
Hungjui Yu, Hung-Chi Kuo, Po-Hsiung Lin, Wei-Chung Hunag, Ching-Hwang Liu, Shih-Hao Su, Jing-Hwa Yang, 2020 : Quality-Controlled High-Resolution Upper-Air Sounding Dataset for TASSE: Development and Corrections. 109年天氣分析與預報研討會。台北,台灣。 2020
Chiao-Wei Chang, Shih-Hao Su, Ting-Shuo Yo, Jung-Lien Chu, 2020 : The long-term variation of the frontal system in Taiwan with machine learning-based classifier. 109年天氣分析與預報研討會。台北,台灣。 2020
蘇世顥、游廷碩、朱容練、張巧薇、郭鴻基,2020:結合人工智慧(AI)技術發展「體對點」(Volume-to-Point)的降水預報。109年天氣分析與預報研討會。台北,台灣。 2020
劉清煌、郭鴻基、蘇世顥、陳維婷、尤虹叡、李育祺,2020:宜蘭強降雨觀測實驗,109年天氣分析與預報研討會。台北,台灣。 2020
Su, S. H., T. S. Yo, and J. L. Chu, 2019: Developing an extreme rainfall warning system with the machine learning method. 2019 Taipei Severe Weather and Extreme Precipitation (Taipei SWEP) Workshop. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019
Su, Shih-Heng, S.H. Su, Nathan Miller, Richard Barker, Patrick H. Masson, 2019: Using mathematical modeling and natural variation to investigate root growth behavior and responses to gravistimulation in Brachypodium distachyon. American Society of Plant Biology, 2019. 2019
Su, S. H., 2019: Learning the weather feather features from the climate data with machine learning methods. 2nd Climate Hotpot In Action (CHIA) Forum. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. 2019
Su, S.-H., J.-L. Chu and T.-S. Yo, 2018: Development of Machine Learning Based Warning System for Extreme Rainfall Events in Taipei Metropolitan Area. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii. 2018
Wu, C. M., M. K. Hsieh, P. H. Lin and S.H. Su, 2018: The Interactions Between Atmosphere and Complex Orographic Land: Diurnal Cycle of Low-Level Clouds and Fog at Xitou. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii. 2018
Hsu, L. H., S.H. Su and H. C. Kuo, 2018: Sensitivity of Typhoon Track and Convection Structure to Cloud Microphysics Near Taiwan Topography: A Case Study of Typhoon Saola (2012). Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii. 2018
郭韋辰、蘇世顥,2018:西北太平洋西行熱帶氣旋路徑之氣候特徵分析。2018年大氣科學學門研究成果發表會暨研究生海報競賽。台北,台灣。 2018
江建霆、蘇世顥,2018:臺灣地區鋒面系統之氣候特徵與自組織映射群聚分析。2018年大氣科學學門研究成果發表會暨研究生海報競賽。台北,台灣。 2018
Su, Shih-Heng, S.H. Su, Nathan Miller, Richard Barker, Patrick H. Masson, 2018: Using mathematical modeling and natural variation to investigate root growth behavior and responses. 2018 American Society for Gravitational and Space Research Meeting. 2018
Li-Huan Hsu, Shih-Hao Su and Hung-Chi Kuo (2018, Jun). Sensitivity of Typhoon Track and Convection Structure to Cloud Microphysics Near Taiwan Topography: a Case Study of Typhoon Saola (2012). Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii. 2018
Shih-Hao Su, Jung-Lien Chu and Ting-Shuo Yo (2018, Jun). Development of Machine Learning based Warning System for Extreme Rainfall Events in Taipei Metropolitan Area. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii. 2018
Chien-Ming Wu, Shih-Hao Su, and Kuan-Ting Kuo (2017, Oct). The Precipitation Hotspots of Afternoon Thunderstorms over Taipei Basin: Idealized Numerical Simulations. ICMCS-XII (International Conference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and High-Impact Weather in East Asia). 2017
Shih-Hao Su and Bing−Kui Chiou, Kuan-Ting Kuo, Chien-Ming Wu, Wei-Ting Chen and Hong-Chi Kuo (2017, May). Decadal Variations of Afternoon Thunderstorms in Northern Taiwan: The Preconditions and Mechanisms. 2017 Taipei Severe Weather and Extreme Precipitation Workshop. 2017
Shih-Hao Su, Bing-Kui Chiou, Jung- Lien Chu and Lee-Yaw Lin. (2017, May). The analysis of Taiwan dry-season precipitation patterns and frontal system variations. 2017 Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) and American Geophysical Union (AGU) joint Meeting. 2017
Li-Huan Hsu, S. H. Su, H. C. Kuo, and R. G. Fovell (2016, Dec). The influence of asymmetric convections on typhoon cyclonic deflection tracks across Taiwan. 2016 AGU Fall Meeting. 2016
Li-Huan Hsu, Shih-Hao Su, H. C. Kuo, and R. G. Fovell (2016, Apr), A Numerical Study on the Typhoon Cyclonic Deflection Tracks near the Terrain., 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Puerto Rico. 2016
Shih-Hao Su, Hung-Chi Kuo, Yu-Han Chen, Jung-Lien Chu and Lee-Yaw Lin (2015, Dec). The Climatology of Taiwan extreme rainfall events and the attributions. 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall meeting. 2015
Shih-Hao Su, Yu-Han Chen, and Hung-Chi Kuo (2015, May). The Climatology of Taiwan extreme rainfall events - Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of extreme rainfall in past 55 years. 2015 Taipei Severe Weather and Extreme Precipitation Workshop. 2015
Li-Huan Hsu, Shih-Hao Su, Sheng-Chi Yang, Tsun-Hua Yang (2014, Jul). The estimation of reservoir inflow with seasonal precipitation forecast by Model for Prediction Across Scale (MPAS). Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting. 2014
Shih-Hao Su and Li-Huan Hsu (2014, Jun). The new strategies of Atmospheric numerical model developments. 2nd TWSIAM annual meeting, Taiwan. 2014
Shih-Hao Su; Gong-Do Hwang; Li-Huan Hsu (2013,Jun): The Global Model Development at TTFRI – The future seamless global model system , TWSIAM 2013
蘇世顥, 郭鴻基(2012年11月)。台灣地區極端降雨之時空分布特性。2012臺灣災害管理研討會,Taipei, Taiwan。 2012
Shih-Hao Su, Hung-Chi Kuo, Chia-Wei Hsu and Hung-Jui Yu (2011, Aug). Extreme Typhoon Rainfall in Taiwan Associated with Monsoon. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2011. 2011
Hung-Chi Kuo, Shih-Hao Su, Yi-Ting Yang and Li-Huan Hsu (2011, Mar). Extreme Rainfall in Taiwan and the interaction of typhoon with monsoons. ICMCS-VIII, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Janpan. 2011
Pao K. Wang, S. H. Su (2010, Jan). Gravity waves and clear air turbulence generated by convective storms in different wind shear environments. 14th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology. 2010
Shih-Hao Su and Pao K. Wang (2006) A cloud model sensitivity study of the environmental temperature profile on the thunderstorm development. The 12th Conference on Cloud Physics is sponsored by the American Meteorological Society, Madison, WI 2006


Titie Year Sponsor Note


Titie Year Sponsor Note
Su, S.-H., Chang, C.-W., Tsai, I.-C., Chu, J.-L., Chen, Y.-L., & Yo, T.-S. (2022, September 9). Taiwan Atmospheric Event Database. 2022 科學資料庫
Su, S.-H. et al. (2023). Automatically Integrated mini-radiosonde data Quality Control procedure (AIQC). 2023 科學資料庫