Curriculum Vitae

蔡嘉倫 助理教授

11114 台北市華岡路55號

文化大學 大氣科學系

辦公室 大典館 408-2

電話:(02)2861-0511 分機 25822




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Chia-Lun Tsai, Assistant Professor

Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Chinese Culture University

55, Hwa-Kang Road, Yang-Ming-Shan,

Taipei , Taiwan 11114

886+02-2861-0511 ext 25822


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  • 2013 中國文化大學大氣科學系 博士
  • 2005 中國文化大學大氣科學系 學士
  •  2013 Ph. D., Atmospheric Sciences, Chinese Culture University
  • 2005 B. S., Atmospheric Sciences, Chinese Culture University

Research Experiences

  • 2023/02~迄今 中國文化大學 大氣科學系 助理教授
  • 2020/01~2023/01 韓國國立慶北大學 天文與大氣科學系 大氣遙測中心 資深研究員
  • 2020/01~2020/04 美國國家大氣科學研究中心 中小尺度氣象實驗室 訪問科學家
  • 2018/06~2019/12 法國國家科學研究中心 大氣與氣旋實驗室 博士後研究員
  • 2016/09~2018/04 韓國 國立慶北大學 天文與大氣科學系 大氣遙測中心 特約教授
  • 2014/08~2016/07 國立台灣大學 大氣科學系 博士後研究員
  • 2013/08~2014/07 中國文化大學 大氣科學系 博士後研究員
  • 2023/02~Present, Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan
  • 2020/01~2023/01 Senior Researcher, Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences/ Center for Atmospheric REmote Sensing (CARE), Kyungpook National University, South Korea
  • 2020/01~2020/04 Visiting Scientist, Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Lab. (MMM), National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), USA
  • 2018/06~2019/12 Postdoctoral Researcher, Laboratoire de l’Atmosphère et des Cyclones (LACy, UMR-8105)/ Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)/ Meteo France/ Université de La Réunion, France
  • 2016/09~2018/04 Contract Professor, Department of Astronomy and Atmospheric Sciences/ Center for Atmospheric REmote Sensing (CARE), Kyungpook National University, South Korea
  • 2014/08~2016/07 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University
  • 2013/08~2014/07 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Chinese Culture University

Research Brief

  • 颱風雨帶的結構 / Structure and Dynamics of Typhoon and Rainbands
  • 劇烈與中尺度天氣系統 / Severe and Mesoscale Weather Systems
  • 地形降雨 / Orographic Precipitation (solid and liquid)
  • 降水的微物理過程 / Microphysics process of droplets and snow
  • 氣象雷達與大氣遙測之應用 / Radar Remote Sensing and Applications

Honors and Awards

  • The Best Article Award (Second Place), 2013 ROC (Taiwan) Meteorological Society
  • Excellent Work, 2012 International Workshop on Typhoon and Flood - APEC Typhoon Symposium 
  • Excellent Work, 2010 International Workshop on Typhoon and Flood - APEC Typhoon Symposium
  • The Best Paper Award, 2008 Conference of Atmospheric Graduate Student, Taiwan


  • 期刊論文 
  • 研討會論文
  • 學位論文
  • Tsai, C.- L., K. Kim, Y.- C. Liou, and G. Lee, 2023: High Resolution 3D Winds Derived from a Modified WISSDOM Synthesis Scheme using Multiple Doppler Lidars and Observations. Atmos. Measure. Tech., 16, 845-869.
  • Tsai, C.- L., K. Kim, Y.- C. Liou, J.- H. Kim, Y. Lee, and G. Lee, 2022: Orographic-induced strong wind associated with a low-pressure system under clear-air condition during ICE-POP 2018. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127 e2021JD036418.
  • Park, J.- R., J.- H., Kim, Y. Shin, S.- H. Kim, H.- Y. Chun W. Jang, C.- L. Tsai, G. Lee, 2022: A numerica simulation of a strong windstorm event in the Taebaek Mountain Region in Korea during the ICE-POP 2018. Atmos. Res. 272. 106158.
  • Kim, K., W. Bang, E.- C. Chang, F. J. Tapiador, C.- L. Tsai, E. Jung, and G. Lee, 2021: impact of win pattern and complex topography on snow microphysics during ICE-POP 2018. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 11955-11978.
  • Barthe, C., O. Bousquet, S. Bielli, P. Tulet, J. Pianezze, M. Claeys, C.- L. Tsai, C. Thompson, F. Bonnardot F. Chauvin, J. Cattiaux, M.-N. Bouin, V. Amelie, G. Barruol, R. Calmer, S. Ciccione, E. Cordier, Q.-P. Duong, J. Durand, F.; Husson, R. Fleischer-Dogley, E. Lees, S. Malardel, N. Marquestaut, A. Mavume, D. Mékiès, A. Mouche, N.M. Ravoson, B. Razafindradina, E. Rindraharisaona, G. Roberts, M. Singh, L. Zakariasy, J. Zucule, 2021: Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Inhabited Areas of the SWIO Basin at Present and Future Horizons. Part 2: Modeling Component of the Research Program RENOVRISK-CYCLONE. Atmosphere, 12, 689
  • Bousquet, O. G. Barruol, E. Cordier, C. Barthe, S. Bielli, R. Calmer, E. Rindraharisaona, G. Roberts, P. Tulet, V. Amelie, F. Fleischer-Dogley, A. Mavume, J. Zucule, L. Zakariasy, B. Razafindradina, F. Bonnardot, M. Singh, E. Lees, J. Durand, D. Mekies, M. Claeys, J. Pianezze, C. Thompson, C.- L Tsai, R. Husson, A. Mouche, S. Ciccione, J. Cattiaux, F. Chauvin, N. Marquestaut 2021: Impact of Tropical Cyclones on Inhabited Areas of the SWIO Basin at Present and Future Horizons. Part 1: Overview and Observing Component of the Research Project RENOVRISK-CYCLONE. Atmosphere, 12 544,
  • Yu, C.- K., L.- W. Cheng, C.- C. Wu, C.- L. Tsai, 2020: Outer Tropical Cyclone Rainbands Associated with Typhoon Matmo (2014). Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 2935-2952.
  • Cattiaux J., F. Chauvin, O. Bousquet, S. Malardel, C.- L. Tsai, 2019: Projected changes in the Southern Indian Ocean cyclone activit assessed from high-resolution experiments and CMIP5 models. J. Clim., 33, 4975-4991.
  • Tsai, C.- L., K. Kim, Y.- C. Liou, G. Lee, and C.- K. Yu, 2018: Impacts o Topography on Airflow and Precipitation in the Pyeongchang Area Seen from Multiple-Doppler Radar Observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 146, 3401-3024.
  • Yu, C.- K., and C.- L. Tsai 2017: Structural changes of an outer tropical cyclone rainband encountering the topography of northern Taiwan. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 143, 1107-1122.
  • Yu, C. -K., P. -R. Hsieh, S. E. Yuter, L. -W. Cheng, C.- L. Tsai, C. -Y. Lin, and Y. Chen, 2016: Measuring droplet fall speed with a high-speed camera: indoor accuracy and potential outdoor applications, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1755-1766 doi:10.5194/amt-9-1755-2016.
  • Yu, C. -K., and C.- L. Tsai, 2013: Structural and surface features of arc-shaped radar echoes along an outer tropical cyclone rainband. J. Atmos. Sci., 70, 56-72.
  • Tsai, C.- L., and C. -K. Yu, 2012: Intercomparison analysis for Micro Rain Rada observations. Atmos. Sci., 40, 109-134. (In Chinese with English abstract, The Best Article Award)
  • Tsai, C.- L., and C. -K. Yu, 2012: Structures of a typhoon rainband documented by dual-Doppler observations. Quart. J. Meteor., 211, 9-21. (In Chinese with English abstract)
  • Yu, C. -K., and C.- L. Tsai, 2010: Surface pressure features of landfalling typhoon rainbands and their possible causes. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 2893-2911. (SCI)
  • Tsai, C.- L., and C. -K. Yu, 2006: Preliminary analysis and application of the Micro Rain Radar observations. Quart. J. Meteor., 188, 29-37. (In Chinese with English abstract)

  • Tsai, C.- L., K. Kim, Y.- C. Liou, J.- H. Kim, Y. Lee, and G. Lee, 2022: The analysis of an orographically strong wind case under clear-air condition during ICE-POP 2018. 11th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology. 29 Aug- 2 Sep 2022. Locarno, Switzerland.
  • Kim, K., C.- L. Tsai, H. Park, and G. Lee, 2022: Investigating General Characteristics of Precipitation Development over South Korea. AOGS 19th Annual Meeting, 1-5 Aug 2022, Virtual.
  • Tsai, C.- L., K. Kim, H. Park, H.- M. Park, W. Bang, and G. Lee, 2022: The Relations Between Upstream Conditions and the Intensity of Orographic Precipitation on Main Mountain Ranges Inland of South Korea. AOGS 19th Annual Meeting, 1-5 Aug 2022, Virtual.
  • Tsai, C.- L., K. Kim, H. Park, W. Bang, and G. Lee, 2021: What are the critical factors dominating orographic precipitation in South Korea? International Conference on Weather Forecast and Hydrological Application of Radar 2021, 10-12 Nov. 2021, South Korea.
  • Kim, K., C.- L. Tsai, H. Park, and G. Lee, 2021: Radar-based precipitation growth and decay pattern in South Korea. International Conference on Weather Forecast and Hydrological Application of Radar 2021, 10-12 Nov 2021, South Korea.
  • Tsai, C.- L., K. Kim, Y.- C. Liou, and G. Lee, 2021: High resolution of 3D winds retrieved from novel WISSDOM synthesis scheme by using Doppler lidars and observations. 2021 ICMCS-XI, 28-30 Apr. 2021, Nanjing, China.
  • Tsai, C.- L., K. Kim, Y.- C. Liou, J.- H. Kim, Y. Lee, and G. Lee, 2021: Possible mechanisms of orographic-induced strong wind under clear-air condition investigating by Doppler lidars and various observations. AOGS 18th Annual Meeting, 1-6 Aug 2021, Virtual.

  • Tsai, C.- L., 2013: Observational study of structures and surface fluctuations of typhoon rainbands of Longwang (2005). Ph. D. dissertation, Chinese Culture University. 124 pp.